Basic Characteristic of electrical power system

Basic Characteristic of electrical power system :

  • 3-phase AC system at constant voltage .
  • Generation and Transmission facilities use 3-phase equipment .
  • Industrial loads are invariably three phase , single phase commercial and

    loads are distributed equal among  so it balanced three phase system
  • use synchronous machine for generation of electricity , prime mover transfers

    the prime source of energy to mechanical energy that converts to electric

    energy by generator . 
  • transmit power over signification distance consumer .

The Transmission system :

Transmission System .

Sub-transmission System . 

Distribution System .

Transmission System :

interconnect all main generation station and main loads , operates at highest voltage 

level (230 KV and above) , the generator voltage are usually in the range of 11 to 35 

KV these are stepped up to the transmission voltage level ,  power transmitted  to the 

transmission substation where the voltage are stopped down to the sub-transmission 

level (69 kV to 138 KV) .

Sub-Transmission System :

Transmit power in small quantities from the transmission substation to distribution 

substation , large industrial customer supplied directly from the sub-transmission 

system .

Distribution System :

The final stage in the transfer of power to customer , it at low voltage connected to 

load (220V) .

  • The voltage from sub-transmission system (69 to 138 KV)  come to ring main

    unit  which in it step down transformer to come out in low value to

    commercial loads .

  • we step up the voltage from generator (11 to 35 KV) by step up transformer to

    (220 KV -380 KV .....) to reduce the losses in transmission line , hence we can use

    cable not large .

To continue our Course about Power System :

                                               [ The second lecture of Power System ]

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