The second lecture about Power System

Now we can Continuous our course Power System :

The load response to frequency :

Motor load :

 power changes with frequency due to change in motor speed .

power ( increase )  -  Speed ( increase ) -  Frequency ( decrease ) .

Power ( decrease ) -  Speed (decrease ) -  Frequency ( increase )  .

When the load increase ,  the frequency decrease , the power increasing "Pm--Pe" .

Pm increase to increase the speed .

Under Frequency load shedding :

The frequency decrease cause of increasing of load , so decrease the load to back the 

frequency to nominal value .

  • 10% load shedding when the frequency drop to 49.2 HZ .
  • 15% load shedding when the frequency drop 48.8 HZ .
  • 20% load shedding when the frequency drop 48 HZ .

Shunt capacitor :

Supply reactive power and boost local voltage hence used to improve the P.F and 

voltage , the reactive generation is proportional to V^2 .

Series Capacitor :

Produce reactive power hence used to improve The P.F and voltage , the reactive 

power generation is proportional to I^2 , and reactive power increase with increasing 

power transfer . 

Shunt reactor :

used to compensate for the effects of line capacitance , it required foe over headline 

longer than 200 KM .

To continue our course of the Power System :

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