Synchronous Condenser and SVC

Control the voltage and the reactive power :

 Synchronous Condenser :


  • It's synchronous machine running without prime mover , unload condition and

    over excitation condition , this machine taking leading current so it's used for

    improving  P.F .
  • Generation or absorb reactive power by controlling  the field excitation .
  • Automatically adjust the reactive power output to maintain constant terminal

    voltage . 

Advantage :

The motor winding have high thermal stability to short circuit capacity .

During power swing , can supply large amount of reactive power perhaps twice .

 Bear 10 - 20% increasing in load from 30 min .

Dis-advantage :

High cost .

let's turning to educate the S.V.C :

its name is (Static Var System) , it produce the reactive power for load ,which it 

 needed so when the load need reactive power take it from SVC , hence prevent 

occur voltage drop , so reduce the losses then increase the active power (P) .

Connected to the power system , to regulate the transmission voltage .

Connected large industrial load , to improve power quality .

And other :

TCR : Thyristor control reactor .

TSR : Thyristor switch reactor .

TSC : Thyristor switch capacitor .

Mechanically switched reactor .

mechanically switched capacitor .

Harmonic filer .

To continue our course of the Power System :

[ The fourth lecture of the Power System ]

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